With the Uttarkashi earthquake of 1991, Karuna Prem started its work of disaster relief. A group of 8 doctors along with a few paramedics and volunteers reached the affected area to provide medical care to those in need of medical relief. Operation theatre equipments were provided to Uttarkashi hospital to help the hospital cope with a large number of surgeries. Also, a camp in Anjanisain, where almost 1100 patients attended along with a health camp in Budhakedar, one of the worst affected villages, was organized.
In the Bhuj earthquake of 2001, Karuna Prem sent a team of doctors and paramedics who along with missionary of charity went into the neglected areas and served the affected people by providing food , clothing , blankets and medical aid.
In 2004, tsunami hit Vellankani in Tamil Nadu , Karunaprem sent an ambulance with medicines and other material to the Missionary of Charity centre in that region.
Similar aid was provided during the earthquake which affected Srinagar and Mazaffarabad. We sent a truck load full of required material and our ambulance to the missionary of charity centre in that region.
Khandrnal (Orissa): During recent communal violence in Orissa, karuna prem has sent a team of paramedics and doctors to work in the relief camps for dislocated persons. Two such camps have been organized under the leadership of Dr. Michael Ulrich from Germany along with missionaries of charity.